

I wake up early to go to school.
Today,there are just 2 classes.
So,I was okay.

On the way to station,I went to McDonald with Shunsuke and Kento!
I had Megamac for lunch.
It was not taste bad but too big and oily...
I was tired of this taste.

In my home,I felt so tired but I didnt know the reason then...
So,I drank beer in spite of afternoon...
But,it made me more bad feeling...
It was terrible.

When I was sleeping on my bed because of that feeling,Hajime(my elder brother) asked me to play football.
So,I did play.

After football,I found the reason why my feeling had been such bad.
I had a cold.
That's why drinking beer made me worse...

But,I could have a dinner different from my girl.
She had stomachache.
I worried about her so much because of that problem...

But,she looks like well when we were talking by telephone.
She was so cute today too.
I couldnt understand why she said me that she didnt wana show her face...

We talked about our name.
I found my first name is obscenity in Chinese.
But,I cant tell....

We talked a little vile story also.
But,it was making her laugh.
It is not bad.

And,we talked about our future.
It was so interesting and funny.
I hope it will come true.

I will go to bed soon to talk with her by telephone in morning.
And,I have to study hard tomorrow !!

晩安 子平。

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