

It is last day of Golden Week.
So,I have to go to school from tomorrow.

Anyway,I write a diary about today.

I wake up at 10 AM.
I didnt have a breakfast because if I did have it,I would not be able to have a lunch.

My lunch was very delicious.
刺身 and 寿司 are one of my favorite foods!
I had them today^^

After lunch,I had watched TV and fighting movies of football on Youtube with elder brother for a long time although I had to study....

And,I took some Chocolate(My dog)'s picture for my elder sister who lives in London.

After all,I couldnt study during afternoon....
Its terrible><

So,I will study hard after dinner from 7:30 PM until 11 PM in Japan!!
If I wont do it,I should go to die.

Now,Im looking forward my dinner!

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