
2011/05/14 FUTSAL

I had 4 classes in high school.

So,I could back home at 2PM .
But,I didnt back at this time because my friend named Shunsuke had asked me waiting his girlfriend with him with talking together.

I like him.
So,I decided to wait her with him.

Finally,I backed home at 5:30PM.

I did talk with my love by telephone.
But,she would not have talked with me because she had been talking with her last boyfriend.
It made me feel bad.
But,I found she has a problem about him.

He is stupid and dirty.
So,I said to him "Dont talk to her.You make her confuse."
After all,he became my friend on Facebook.

I can't understand the reason why he became my friend.
I wanna remove him because my girl's brother asked me doing it.
But,to remove him from the list will make me feel intimidated.
So,Im confuse a little.

At night.
I did go to 天下茶屋 to play Futsal as goal keeper.
I had been looking forward to playing because I had not done for 2 months.
I did expect myself to be bad condition because of blunting.
To recover my senses needed the time.
But,I was not condition.
On the contrary,I did some big savings.
It made me happy because I love the shock and pain that I feel when shed a strong shot.


Finally,I did back home at 1 AM .
After back, I said good night to my love and went to bed.


2011/05/10 [My birthday!]

It is my birthday 5/10.
The first person who said me "Happy birthday" was my girlfriend.
I was happy.

In school,
My friends named Hirohuto Morishima and Takeru Shimamoto gave me present.
I felt happiness.
These presents were just langue de chat and cocoa.
But,it is important that is not how much but mind.
What is more these were delicious.

After school,
I bought the watch made by DOLCE & GABBANA!
But,it was broken although it was new watch.
Anyway,I will take it to repair....

But,I could have a good dinner and my grandmother gave me 10000 yen.
It is amazing !!

After all,I could spend a wonderful birthday!!
Im happy^^



4:00AM,I went to bed.
I was watching the game of football "FC Barcelona × RCD Espanyol" with Zipin.
She looked like so tired.
But,she said she didn't wanna go to bed.
It's strange.
Anyway,I was happy to have watched Barca with her again.
My happiness is thanks to her.
Thank you Zipin.

That's why I had overslept.

I got up at 6:30.
After all,I had slept just for two hours...

In morning,I had studied hard.

But,in the classes in afternoon,I failed in sleep...

I'm in train on my way home.

I will study until 12AM in Japan after dinner.

By the way.
It's my end of 17 years old today.
I will be 18years old in 5 hours.

I wanna spend this special time with my love.



I wake up early to go to school.
Today,there are just 2 classes.
So,I was okay.

On the way to station,I went to McDonald with Shunsuke and Kento!
I had Megamac for lunch.
It was not taste bad but too big and oily...
I was tired of this taste.

In my home,I felt so tired but I didnt know the reason then...
So,I drank beer in spite of afternoon...
But,it made me more bad feeling...
It was terrible.

When I was sleeping on my bed because of that feeling,Hajime(my elder brother) asked me to play football.
So,I did play.

After football,I found the reason why my feeling had been such bad.
I had a cold.
That's why drinking beer made me worse...

But,I could have a dinner different from my girl.
She had stomachache.
I worried about her so much because of that problem...

But,she looks like well when we were talking by telephone.
She was so cute today too.
I couldnt understand why she said me that she didnt wana show her face...

We talked about our name.
I found my first name is obscenity in Chinese.
But,I cant tell....

We talked a little vile story also.
But,it was making her laugh.
It is not bad.

And,we talked about our future.
It was so interesting and funny.
I hope it will come true.

I will go to bed soon to talk with her by telephone in morning.
And,I have to study hard tomorrow !!

晩安 子平。


Today,I went to the school after an interval of the fifth.

I had an exam on school.
English,Japanese and old Japanese was not difficult^^
But,Japanese history was so difficult and its terrible...

Afternoon,I did two classes and a special class of Buddhism.

I got back home at 7 pm to have a dinner.
It was curry and rice!
I love curry!!!

I went to study school after dinner to do old Japanese class.
I got a good teacher^^

Finally,I did back at 10:30 pm.

Im talking with my girlfriend.
She has a problem.....
But maybe,she will be happy^^
I believe it!

It was so simple day.
 But,I dont hate such day.




It is last day of Golden Week.
So,I have to go to school from tomorrow.

Anyway,I write a diary about today.

I wake up at 10 AM.
I didnt have a breakfast because if I did have it,I would not be able to have a lunch.

My lunch was very delicious.
刺身 and 寿司 are one of my favorite foods!
I had them today^^

After lunch,I had watched TV and fighting movies of football on Youtube with elder brother for a long time although I had to study....

And,I took some Chocolate(My dog)'s picture for my elder sister who lives in London.

After all,I couldnt study during afternoon....
Its terrible><

So,I will study hard after dinner from 7:30 PM until 11 PM in Japan!!
If I wont do it,I should go to die.

Now,Im looking forward my dinner!


Michael Jackson said

"We are the world, We are the children."

I agree with him.


Why the color of the skin is significant ?
We are same human.The racial discrimination only brings sadness.

As for this song.
Its John's massage to everyone for peace.
We should listen to him.

John said in this song

"Happy Christmas For black and for white For yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight"
"War is over,if you want it."

War will kill many people.

Anyway,it's true that some people can be happy by war because they can get money.

But,its' not really happiness.

War is over,if we want it !!!!!!!!

If it will be come true,our life will be more happy!!!!